Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today was beyond boring, all I did was lay around and watch horrendously bad horror movies on TV. But, I did enjoy having a day where I was able to do that and didn't have to worry about going to school the next day since I'm on fall break. I didn't have any problems with my dad today surprisingly. That's the thing: one day we get along fine, he's all father of the year and all that bullshit. Another day, he's on my case over every little insignificant thing. For example, there might be two items of clothing on my floor, so he says my room's a mess and that I need to clean it. All the while, my older brother's room looks like someone ransacked it, left, and then came back to ransack it again. So, yeah, it's either everything is perfectly fine or it's hell on earth. It's like there is no middle ground. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but you know what they say. You can't judge anyone until you walk a mile in their shoes. It's a big deal to me, because the way my father has treated me has made me unable to trust anybody and to question their every intention, good or bad. I don't like doing that, I want to be able to have friends without thinking that in the end everybody's going to either hurt me or leave me. But anyways, on a less serious note, am I the only person who is over 7 years old and still enjoys watching Spongebob? 

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