Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Day I Died

He calls me worthless, he calls me lazy
After all this time, I wonder why I let it faze me
He blames me for this, he blames me for that
I said nothing and stayed where I sat
It hurt everybody, it broke us all
His only concern is for himself, from where he got the gall
He resents me for something, claims he gets no help
From the way he treats me, you'd think I killed her myself:
I woke up that morning, everything was fine
I went into the living room, she was laying out of line
She was sick last night, just one night of many more
What I noticed then, shocked me to my core
She wasn't breathing, my mind wouldn't let me accept
This isn't real, I internally wept
I kept myself from what I didn't want to feel
I tried to ignore it, I tried to make it go away
But it wouldn't, as the edges of my wound began to fray
That day I lost a mother, a huge piece of my being
Though I hide it well, I am always grieving
Everybody thinks I'm fine, they just don't see
Perhaps I don't want them to, maybe I just want to be
I blame myself for my own personal hell
For fooling everyone into thinking I'm doing so well
I don't know how to ask for help, to tell my problems
So I suffer in silence, searching on my own on how to solve them

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