Thursday, May 17, 2012

I haven't posted anything in a since then, I've graduated high school and am now facing a whole new chapter: college. Slightly apprehensive about that one, guess I'm afraid it'll be too much like high school. It's funny that this the only way I feel comfortable getting all this off my chest, I lay the blame with the fact that my ability to communicate my feelings is up there with that of a mute person. On June 10, it'll be three years since my mother died. They say that it gets better with time, but I think that you just come to accept it, because the pain certainly never goes's always present, even when it's just buzzing in the background, always making its presence know in some way. With the way I worry and stress about everything little conceivable thing, I'll either go prematurely grey or have a nervous breakdown/ heart attack by the time I'm 20. I've never handled anxiety very well, usually it turns into anger, which is handled even worse. Maybe I'll come to my senses and learn how to actually talk to someone...but I wouldn't put my money on it.